Privacy Policy

TodayPoints Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is made how uses and protect any of information that you give todaypoints when using this website.
Todaypoints is committed to ensuing you that your privacy is protected. We can ask you to provide some certain information so that we can identify when using this website.
Todaypoints privacy policy may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. And we will inform you if it happen and you should check this page from time to time.

What we can collect from you

  • Your name and Biodata
  • Your preferences and need
  • Your demographic information
  • Your location and postal code etc..

What we do with that information you provided
We require this kind of information from you so that we can judge and identify your interest, need, likes, dislikes, preferences, social preferences etc.,
From time to time, we may contact you for customizable services, information by email or phone.
We again ensure you that your information is secure and safe. As some website uses cookies and session to get the information from you, we are also using this procedure to get that kind of information. But you can disable from your browser if you don’t share or consider to provide us.
If you see any ads on this website, these ads are provided by google or other companies or organizations and controlled by them. These company or organization can control such type of information about you.

So you are visiting and getting the information from this website you must have to agree on the term, conditions, and privacy policy of that website written above.